Tuesday, September 4, 2007

my first day of school

So-I went to my first day of school (work) today. It went well....it is good to be back. I got lots of welcome back greetings and smiles, and spoke with both Mrs. Foss and Mr. DiNicola (last years teachers) briefly. I can tell you that Jaime foss is not happy about not getting me as her aide. I happen to know that the aide she DID get, will be wonderful....she has been an aide for 6 years, and she must know what she is doing. She also is very nice. BUT--I am disappointed, too. I really enjoyed both the age of the kids and my experience with Jaime and David. Jaimie, in particular, was such a great mentor, and she was really rooting for me. She wanted to help me "ready myself" for any upcoming interview or opportunity that came my way. Last year, she encouraged me to update my resume' and gave me her portfolio to help me model mine after. (I had never seen one of these before---but now they are a requirement in interviews!)
Okay, so we've established that I was a bit saddened not to be back over in the 1st grade..... I found out that Jaimie has been sharing with numerous people that she was very disappointed not to have me, and the other 1st grade teacher Mrs. Criss also reitterated that point. They both requested me verbally and in writing, so when they didn't get me......they were surprised. I knew it was an hours thing. It is okay.

On a positive note--I am completely fine, and even happy about where I have been placed. I will learn alot in the 3rd grade, too. And the variety of teaching techniques that I will be observing can only do me good. I already know I like Michelle Smith--we were friends last year. And, I thought I would be with Dawn Spurney, who I don't know well.....but I guess at the last minute that switched around, too....so i was placed in a different 3rd grade class. One where there are two teachers job sharing. (which is an interesting concept I might add.) They both seem nice--the morning teacher is Amy Hudson, and the afternoon teacher is Jen Shanahan. I will be working with both, as currently, I think the plan is that I will flip flop between classes, doing an everyother day situation. Today I was in Michelle's class in the morning, then after lunch, I was in the Hudson/Shanahan classroom, with Jen Shanahan. Tomorrow I start over with Amy Hudson, and after lunch go to Michelle's. And so on. We will see how that works out, and make adjustments as need be.

After school, I came home just in time to quickly pee and let Emmy outside, then I hopped back in my car to pick up Nathan. Got him started on homework, made a call to his school about an orchestra mix-up, then Jacob walked in. He invited about 5 friends inside, Nathan went to his friend Kenny's house (after homework, and a check from me), and I worked on emails that I needed to send as the U9 team coordinator....confirming this Friday's game times, figuring out who still needed uniform pieces, who wasn't making it to practice today, etc. Then Ben called from school at 4:30 for me to pick him up....he stayed after for his first Stage Crew meeting. Got him, then made a cup of tea. (Ahhhhh, a little breather.) At 5:10, when Nathan was supposed to be home to get ready for his 6pm practice, he wasn't anywhere to be found. Total chaos ensues, as I call Kenny's house (and was told they were out walking the neighbors' dog), then I hop in my car, looking for him, to no avail. (Major mad and worried mom....) Then I send Jacob out on his bike to find him --thinking they may have walked to the local park. Jake comes home just as Nathan does, at 5:35pm .....Nathan in tears as I yell at him about not asking to leave Kenny's house....and him crying that his mom was supposed to tell him when to go home (and she just did). I let the matter drop BRIEFLY (to be picked up again later, believe me! ) because my main concentration needed to be to get him out the door! (And he does not do good under pressure!) We leave the house at 5:45pm with him mostly dressed (to finish in the car), with me juggling snacks (because thwere was no time for his usual prepractice dinner), a huge jug of water and his bag/ball.... The drive is 15 minutes with no traffic. This is rush hour time!! We are very lucky that we made it at 6:01pm, and his coach was just about to walk them over to their practice field. Of course, I missed someone who was waiting to give me something--but I'll have to catch him later.

THEN at 6:05....Matt calls, he has just gotten off the train, and he wants to know what is for dinner. I, of course, haven't thought about it yet. Who had time? And said-"Please pick up Portillo's". :0) Now (he just walked in) we will shovel food in our mouths.....and I will be off again, to pick up Nathan at 7:30pm.....going a little early to meet up with one of the parents to hand him a schedule.....because they never went to parent meeting for the team. Hopefully, once I am home, we can finally relax a little. (Although, i am sure there will be more homework issues to handle!)

Life of a working mom of three boys, I guess. :0)

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