Tuesday, March 11, 2008

finally in the know--sort of

So, yesterday, while putting up a bulletin board in the hallway....I was called down to the office. I had a VERY small hope that this had something to do with the interviews on Thursday, but I had already come to terms with the fact that obviously I was not going to be in the mix. Anyway-When I got down there, the principal was waiting for me. AND, in his very oddball way of doing things, he said to me..."Thursday". I just looked at him, because honestly, I wasn't positive I knew what he was talking about. Then he said, "What time would you like?" I was still like, uh, what are you talking about?? (Why can't this man just speak normally?) Then I glanced down at some papers he was holding, and realized he had my application in his hand. So finally--lightbulb moment. I guess this was his way of offering me an interview.
My immediate reaction was to say-"Thank you." Mainly, because I just didn't think he was going to ask me. At all. He told me I was the first person he asked. That I had my pick of times, and that there would be 5 people coming in. I suppose I should be flattered that I was the first person he scheduled, but I know better.
Sadly, I think that this interview will only be a practice run for me....I have already been told that the superintendent called and talked to the principal about someone he had in mind for the position. And we all know what that means....:0)

I fell extremely unprepared this time, I had thought that I wasn't going to get another chance, so it hasn't been on my mind that much. I am asking for prayer....that I am ready to answer whatever questions that get thrown at me. That I will be more confident this time, and that even if this job isn't for me, that I will make a strong enough "case" for why he should consider me for a teaching position. Basically, I want to be alert, and ready, and myself. Last interview, I don't think I seemed like myself--I was just too nervous.

Okay-on to other things.....
I got myself totally registered (finally) for my two classes at University of Phoenix. I start on March 18th--with a refresher.--"Classroom Management". Then I will take another refresher "Primary Reading Methods" which will focus on decoding reading problems, assessments, learning centers, and integrating Language Arts into classrooms K-3. I figured that I have been submerged in deeper comprehension strategies and traits of more advanced writing for a while.....so refreshing myself on early reading decoding strategies, and early writing might not be a bad idea. Both classes will be done by mid-May.


Anonymous said...

I'll pray for Thursday. As of March 18, you will be attending the same school as Dave! :)

deanna said...

So... how'd it go?

deanna said...

or do I have the wrong Thursday?

kimsilver said...

Okay.....so I am supposed to be all hush, hush about this.....at least for now.....but I got the job!! I just found out this morning. I am happy about it. :0) I am still learning about how I will transition into that role....but it is exciting!

I'll try and blog soon about things.